Nothing Earth shattering today, although I did write a little bit of doggerel last night that might find its way online sometime soon. This is more of a status report to explain my lack of updates.
This past weekend I, with the aid of five extraordinary people, finished about five or so long term projects. These projects were all DIY nightmares really. Things that I could never have accomplished without their help and support.
The projects:
Building two porches,
putting in two exterior doors,
cleaning out the backwoods,
light deforestation,
severe landscaping involving a bobcat (a great image but in reality slightly dull{I mean in relation to having a wildcat do it. The machine itself was quite exhilarating. It was just like Aliens.[In that the controls mimicked the powerloader that Ripley used to defeat the Alien Queen]})
and gutting a closet.
Without the help of Rick and Maggie Martin, Calvin Grubb, my dear father Shawn, and the love of my life, there is no way I could have fixed up the house we are staying at. It has been an invaluable experience. One that I hope to put to good use in the future.
The distant, jetback wearing, future.