Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Driving Part 6

I began to look for a rest area around 4:30, we were still in Tennessee at this point and we were close to entering Alabama. Elizabeth was having difficulty staying awake so she had decided not to drive next but she insisted that we let someone else drive so we could both get rest. For safety reasons, she stayed awake my entire shift.

Finding a rest area was critical because we seemed to spend too much time stopping at gas stations. Like magpies we stopped to look at every shiny thing the station offers killing about 25-30 minutes instead of a quick 15 minute potty break before pealing rubber once more. I tried to save us some time but I began to notice that we hadn’t passed a roadside rest area for about an hour and a half. I would have thought that on the other side of Chattanooga there would be more rest areas. Apparently, there aren’t any rest stops in the South. There are Sleeping Lots but no rest areas, weird. I finally aquesced to my co-pilots demands and we changed drivers once more in Alabama. Which began a very unfortunate part of the trip.

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